Sneak some fitness into your winter family fun!

Sneak some fitness into your winter family fun!

[caption id="attachment_1831" align="alignleft" width="287" caption="Snow shoeing by Scott Kish"][/caption] You probably know that we should aim to be physically active at least 5 days a week, for at least 30 minutes. I always encourage my personal training clients to make...Read More
Kinesiology + Passion + Paintbrush

Kinesiology + Passion + Paintbrush

[caption id="attachment_98" align="aligncenter" width="475" caption="Soccer player in motion (oil on Aluminum)"][/caption] The Radiance Welllness blog is a celebration of healthy and active lifestyles, as well as a tribute to others who celebrate the same through programming, philanthropic projects, volunteer work,...Read More