Travel Fitness. Stay strong without a gym

Travel Fitness. Stay strong without a gym

  Don't let travel demands get in the way of fitness. All that's needed is a park bench and a resistance band to exercise while on vacation. Have you experienced poor results when you work out after an extended break...Read More
Spice up your core workouts, a Bender Ball adds a hint of flavor

Spice up your core workouts, a Bender Ball adds a hint of flavor

 A Radiance Gear & Gadget Review.The Bender Ball is one of those infomercial fitness gadgets I would never have looked at twice; however, it became one of the tools in my Trainers toolbox after a series of events. I received...Read More
Hidden Injuries. Listen to your joints when they speak to you.

Hidden Injuries. Listen to your joints when they speak to you.

A few simple preventive strategies can prevent exercise-related injury and promote joint and muscle health. Exercise-related injuries are sneaky and can creep up without you ever knowing what happened. Listen to your joints when they speak to you. The subtle shoulder...Read More
Fitness Travel Review: Icefall Lodge, a rustic escape to Rocky Mountain paradise

Fitness Travel Review: Icefall Lodge, a rustic escape to Rocky Mountain paradise

How about that view for morning coffee? Icefall Lodge, a rugged paradise If an escape to a quiet, rustic lodge set high in the alpine meadows surrounded by gushing creeks, amazing waterfalls, and spectacular views is the type of getaway...Read More
Surprise! The unexpected benefits of becoming physically active.

Surprise! The unexpected benefits of becoming physically active.

Most people start a fitness program for the obvious benefits of physical activity. However, there is an endless number of unexpected benefits of getting fit that we don't even plan for, they just sort of happen much to all of our...Read More
7 reasons why you need a posture assessment before you workout

7 reasons why you need a posture assessment before you workout

We are all a little crooked, our posture that is. A snapshot of your postural alignment contains a lot of important information needed to customize a fitness training program that will keep you free of injuries and guarantee success.  Here...Read More