3 daily Medical Medium wellness rituals for healing and health

Medical Medium wellness rituals
Anthony William (AW), the bestselling author of the Medical Medium book series is helping to heal hundreds of thousands of people.  I read his first book in 2016 and instantly resonated with his healing message. His holistic healing strategies have since had a huge influence on my life. Here I share Medical Medium wellness rituals that I now do every day to support my health, vibrant aging, and longevity.


After 15 years of searching for the cause of and cure for my Vitiligo without success,  I discovered a simple explanation in one of Anthony Williams’ books. AW identifies a toxic liver as the cause of Vitiligo. Specifically, he says that the toxic liver in Vitiligo patients is caused by the heavy metals aluminum and copper.  These nasty metals combine with common viruses to produce dermatoxins that destroy the skin pigment-producing cells in my body. The result is large patches of skin without pigment. I now work daily to remove heavy metals from my body and boost my immune system to combat viruses.
Here are three wellness rituals I now do every day as part of my healing journey and as part of my family’s healthy living strategy.

Fats are bad again. Around 2010 I was on the ‘butter in my coffee” bandwagon. I super dosed on omega fish oil pills. I slathered coconut oil on everything and scooped almond butter into my smoothies. Healthy fats had become so buzzy and it felt so good to be free of ‘fat fear’ after a career in the fitness industry. It had been a decade of counting fat calories, low-fat health propaganda, and terrible tasting low-fat foods. 
Now, I’ve done a 360 and I am back to minimal fat in my diet. This time it’s not for my 6-pack abs, it’s for my liver and skin.  According to Anthony William, a diet that is high in radical fat, whether it comes from a plant or animal source is hard on the liver. High blood fat is what will push the liver over the edge, disrupting its filtering and processing functions.
So I have been keeping my fat intake as low as possible. I have adapted AW’s Liver Rescue morning most days of the week.  The first component is to drink lemon water upon waking. This supports the liver’s nightly cleansing duties. Lemon flushes the bloodstream and hydrates the liver.  The second component of the liver Rescue morning is to avoid radical fats before lunchtime.  Since fat halts the livers cleansing process, the delayed intake of it extends the livers detoxing capabilities.

Anthony William is very adamant about avoiding Canola oil if you are trying to heal from a chronic condition or preserve your health.  He claims that Canola causes inflammation in the body and that it can feed viruses, bacteria, fungus, and mold. However, right now Canola oil appears to be a health food. After extensive experience reading food labels in some of the best health food stores across America I discovered that Canola oil is in everything. I estimate that 90% of the items I want to purchase at the market contain Canola. Even the fresh food buffets, olive bars, and homestyle soups are all full of the so-called healthy oil.
While I am on my healing journey, I avoid canola oil wherever possible. In addition, I avoid it when I  purchase and prepare food for my family.

Apparently, we are born with toxic heavy metals inside of us and we just keep on accumulating them. That is why Anthony William recommends everyone drink a HEAVY METAL DETOX SMOOTHIE (HMDS) daily.   It is impossible to avoid heavy metals and the health effects on the body are disastrous. For example, my coffee pods are made from Aluminium. There are heavy metals in the air we breathe every day. Mercury can be passed down the family line from parents and even grandparents. It takes a lot of deep digging and lifestyle modification to reduce exposure to toxic metals.
According to AW, the 5 most potent foods that remove heavy metals from the body are Cilantro, Wild Blueberries, Dulse, Barley Grass Juice Powder, and Spirulina. For this reason, I chug a Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie (HMDS) almost every day. I blend all 5 superfood ingredients with OJ, banana, and various other frozen fruits. It’s tasty, filling, and hopefully ditching any stored metals I’ve accumulated.



I am several years into my healing journey with Medical Medium protocol. I am happy with my results however, our world is so toxic that we can’t avoid daily exposure to destructive heavy metals and viruses so I am not going to give up these daily wellness rituals anytime soon. Avoiding fats and removing heavy metals is just a part of life now.

Foods To Avoid For Healing Chronic Illness


Medical Medium, Cleanse to Heal, Anthony William (2018) Hay House.





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