Workout Recovery: 3 Ways to Maximize Fitness Gains After Exercise

Amino Acid Recovery Drink for workout recovery

Fitness enthusiasts know that the most crucial part of getting stronger, leaner, and fitter happens 24 to 48 hours after exercising. Once the hard work is done, it’s time to kick back with a refreshing workout recovery drink and relaxing activities to support your progress in the gym. Here are my three priority strategies to optimize recovery and maximize fitness gains.

1. Muscle-Generating Fuel

In the ’90s, I consumed tubs of protein powder, drank shakes before and after workouts, and ate protein bars between meals. While I still value the importance of protein for building strong, firm muscles, my perspective has evolved.

The human body needs protein to create muscles, hair, and blood vessels, so providing protein’s building blocks is essential. Rather than relying solely on shakes that contain protein (whey, soy, pea, rice), I now focus on consuming amino acids, which are the building blocks of protein. This approach allows my body to absorb critical muscle-building elements more efficiently. A post-workout amino acid blend supports muscle synthesis and helps build firm, sculpted muscles.

Workout Recovery Strategy: Use a recovery drink containing all 9 essential amino acids for muscle synthesis. I have been using Recover 9, by Pvolve.

2. Hydrate Your Fascia

Without proper hydration, collagen fibers in your fascia can knot up, cause pain, and block healing. Fascia is a fluid layer; but fascia hydration isn’t just about drinking more water. Sometimes, we need to manually work fluids back into areas where they’ve been over-compressed. Poor posture, injuries, or prolonged sitting can disrupt your fascia’s quality by squishing the fluid out of it.

Fascial adhesions might prevent healing fluids and energy from reaching muscles after a workout. Also, the fascial fluid matrix works with the lymphatic system to carry waste away from injured muscles. Additionally, the fascia conducts electricity, which plays a role in the next recovery strategy.

Workout Recovery Strategy: Incorporate a fascia care program such as foam rolling to keep your fascia primed for optimal recovery. This practice drives fluid into dehydrated fascia, removes adhesions, and enhances workouts. My preferred foam roller is the soft and textured MELT roller.

3. Plug into the Earth

Mother Earth is a powerful recharging station. Standing barefoot on the earth, known as earthing or grounding, is a simple, free, and effective post-workout recovery activity. The earth emits negative electrons that travel through your feet and move within your fascia, reducing inflammation. Studies demonstrate an instant reduction in inflammation when people are grounded.

Workout Recovery Strategy: Stand barefoot on the earth for 10 minutes. Wet grass, dirt, or sand will conduct the earth’s charge into your body. For supreme grounding, use grounding bedsheets at night to recharge while you sleep, or use a grounding mat under your feet while at your desk.

Shari Zisk

“Recovering after a heavy workout used to take much longer when I was younger. Once I started sleeping on grounding bed sheets, my post-workout soreness almost completely disappeared, leaving me fresh and strong, no matter how hard I trained the day before.”

Workout Recovery at Any Age

These three recovery strategies are simple, quick, and inexpensive. Enjoy your favorite workouts knowing you won’t be debilitatingly sore the next day. Maximize your fitness gains by incorporating these powerful recovery strategies into your routine. Your body will thank you!

Happy training and speedy recovery,


Shop the Story

Recovery 9 by Pvovle, Amino Acid Muscle recovery drink

Amino Acid Muscle Recovery

Recover 9 by Pvolve


Melt Method Tools, soft foam rollers, small balls

Soft Foam Roller, by MELT Method


Earthing Store, by Clint Ober

Grounding Tools by Clint Ober


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