Ladies, you can’t be a beast every time you hit the gym and you can blame the moon’s phases for that. Here’s how to get to know your moon phase and prepare to NOT workout on those days when the dumbbells and the world feel so heavy.
There are approximately 3 days out of every month where my muscles perform like wet noodles and my workouts are simply dreadful. During these lamentable days walking the steps to the gym is about all I can tolerate. On these days my warm-up weight feels atrocious, squats feel barbaric and chin-ups are just savage.
Contrast that with days where I enjoy incredible strength and endurance and I have to drag myself out of the gym because my stamina just won’t give in.
It wasn’t until I reached my 40’s that I recognized the accuracy and consistency of my ‘wimpy gym days’ in connection to my monthly cycle. I used to blame those crappy workouts on stress, fatigue, a night of partying, a pizza binge or a ‘bug’. The days where my muscles feel like mush I now blame the moon, AKA my female energy cycle.
Each of the real moon’s phases lasts 7.4 days and while most women’s cycles don’t actually correspond directly to the moon’s phases, the waxing and waning of physical strength and stamina throughout a woman’s monthly cycle occur with remarkable precision. The fluctuating chemicals, moods, stamina, creativity and emotions ought to be recognized and honored yet I regret that my adolescent and young adult self was oblivious to this wisdom. The four Moon Phases are so apparent in my everyday life now that I can only imagine how my younger self would have benefited had she known about them. “Go easy on yourself girl, relax and reflect for a few days”. That’s what I wish someone had told my 20-something self on those days where the weights and life felt so damn heavy.
In my 20’s I would have pushed through a noodle workout only to feel miserable and defeated. With new wisdom about the chemical and emotional changes occurring in my body, I now recognize and honor the cycle that effects my entire being. Now I can listen to my body and observe what it needs during each phase. I now know that it is ok to use gentle movement in place of a thigh burning cycle class. I accept that it is better for every aspect of ‘me’ to walk a labyrinth instead of getting under a loaded squat bar. A sauna meditation is a perfectly suitable activity for my tender ’third moon’ self instead of my favorite arm blasting workout.
Here are the four moon phases and how I experience them in the gym.
1st Moon phase (Days 1-6)
Winter / Sage Archetype / Menstrual phase
A time of detox, rest, reflection & release
Characterized by passiveness, withdrawn, intuitiveness, inward creativity,
During this phase I now recognize that heavy lifts and power moves are out of the question. For the first few days of this phase I rest. I accept that I have banked some heavy lunges, squats and super sets over the last few weeks and it’s totally OK to use these few days doing restorative activities. As my hormones rise and my physical stamina starts to increase I enjoy exertion and getting sweaty with exercises that use my body weight.
My favorite things to do on those days when my strength isn’t quite at it’s peak but I’m ready to move and challenge my body:
Suspension training (TRX, Human Trainer)
Body weight exercises with Lebert Bars
Full body routine with a UGI ball or medicine ball
Cardio machines
2nd Moon phase (Days 7-13)
Spring / Maiden Archetype / Follicular phase
An active and dynamic time of mental creativity, learning, concentration and physical stamina.
My best workouts are always during this phase, the week after my period. This is my beast phase where my strength and stamina peak. I feel like superwoman in the gym, my muscles feel firm and I feel lean. I lift the heaviest weight and my muscles are highly resistant to fatigue. I try to hit the gym every day that I can during this phase. I enjoy heavy weightlifting and make sure I fit in a lot of big bang movements like heavy squats, lunges and pull-ups. This is when I do my favorite arm blaster workouts where I curl and press until my arms are toast.
3rd Moon phase (Days 14-21)
Summer/ Mother archetype/ Ovulatory phase,
A time of being present, feelings of love, empathy, teamwork, outward focus, & communication.
This is my group fitness phase. I love the camaraderie of a cycle class, partner workout or fitness class. I enjoy connecting with others and probably do as much chatting in the gym as I do pounding weight. My energy is generally great and stamina high.
My favorite things to do on those days when my energy and strength and spirit is high:
Tabata rides on my Peloton cycle
Bootcamp style classes
Circuit style strength training that keeps my heart rate up
Power Yoga
Mountain bIking
4th Moon phase (Days 22-29)
Fall / Enchantress Archetype /Luteal phase /premenstrual
Characterized by moodiness and pain, irritability with alone time prioritized and diminishing energy.
My ‘wet noodle’ sensations occur towards the end of this phase. My muscles feel mushy and weak. As my body redirects energy from my muscles to its magical task of reproduction I allow myself to go easy in the gym (or skip the gym) and I avoid high intensity activities. My favorite things to do on those days when my moon phase says rest and reflect:
Gentle cycle on my Peloton
Sauna + Meditation
Nature walk
Restorative yoga
Regenerative rolling
Time in nature
Thanks to lunar planning tools you can get your physical forecast to plan which workout type will be the best for you. Lunar charts or apps such as My Moon Time help you track your personal phases so you know when to expect a beast day in the gym. If your waning physical energy corresponds to your female energy cycle, then go easy on yourself. Trust me, if you blasted your body during phases 2 & 3, you have some hard core workouts banked. Let gentle movement, fresh air and walks in nature be your fitness for a few days.
Further reading
Best Apps for Tracking Mensttrual cycle
4 Archetypes of the female cycle, Rising Woman
I started pumping iron and drinking green smoothies in my teens. Now a 40+ mama with 25 years of experience working in the fitness industry, I do things differently. What I discovered during my personal healing journey made me pivot in my approach as a personal fitness and wellness coach. Now I teach people how to sweat, nourish and glow from an entirely new perspective.