Get to the top of your fitness game by adopting a CEO mindset about fitness.
Have you ever noticed that the CEOs of many of the larger and more successful companies are relatively fit and healthy-looking? Is there something that successful CEOs know about fitness that the rest of the company doesn’t know? Having trained quite a few successful CEOs in my fitness career I assure you that they possess no secrets, and no, you don’t have to have a fat paycheck to look good and feel great. Here is what I discovered about the CEO’s and their fitness mindset.
For several years I trained clients in a very affluent setting and worked with many extremely successful people including high-profile lawyers, leading politicians, and successful business leaders. Let me tell you that CEOs certainly do not know physiology and they are definitely not privy to ‘confidential’ training techniques. In fact, many of the super-fit CEOs I got to know while managing a very exclusive personal training studio actually worked with relatively entry-level personal trainers.
It is rare to see large bulging bellies protruding out of the fancy suits of those who helm the largest and most successful companies. “At this level, you just don’t see the guys with big guts” confirms one successful (and fit) client of mine who travels regularly and meets with the world’s business and political leaders. “Everyone is at the top of their game,” he says.
After spending hundreds of hours with these successful business leaders on the training floor, I have identified several distinct attitudes toward health and fitness. This is what I have observed about what sets CEOs apart from the rest of the company (or population for that matter).
CEOs understand that there is a success formula for everything. CEOs seek out the formula and follow it. This means schedule adherence. CEO’s rarely canceled their training appointments. If they do, they reschedule their session for later in the day or at least within 24 hours. Anything less than strict adherence means failure.
For example, one CEO client of mine reported that he was going on an extended business trip that would see him gone for almost two weeks with stops in multiple countries. I asked him how he planned to maintain his fitness routine while away. His response shocked me. He proceeded to list every workout he would do over the next two weeks. He had every single workout scheduled into his itinerary and he knew what every workout consisted of. On days he had late meetings he planned morning workouts. During stays in hotels without fitness centers he mapped out running routes. On evenings when there were business dinners scheduled, his workouts were always scheduled before dinner. Impressive!
When it comes to ultra-successful people, the extra mile isn’t really extra, it is the bare minimum. CEOs bust their butt in the gym and give everything they have. They can always find one more rep and they are always up for one more exercise. CEOs will actually tell you that they have energy remaining and to bump up the intensity or extend the workout.
CEOs believe that mediocrity in business is only good when the competition is committed to it. CEOs don’t have mediocre workouts. They consistently work hard and never waste a moment. They are the only fitness clients who will ever ask ‘what’s next?’ instead of asking for a break or taking an extended trip to the water fountain.
CEO’s have focus. One of my clients had a New York Times Journalist waiting for them in their office ready to hound them with questions about a political leader under scrutiny. Another client of mine had their client on the front page of the days newspaper in a media frenzy. A third, high-profile client of mine still showed up for their workout when their public office got ransacked by protesters. All three of these CEO’s remain focussed and delivered 100% during their workouts.
CEOs put the “I” in their fitness. A CEO will never make excuses for their lack of fitness with a statement that doesn’t involve ‘I’. They hold themselves accountable for their current state of fitness and do not blame their jobs, families, genetics, the economy, etc…
Motivation is intrinsic. CEOs don’t need rewards or a pat on the back to continue with their fitness program. The benefits of being fit and healthy, and looking great are the reward.
Are you a CEO (Chief Executive Officer) or a CEC (Chief Executive Complainer)? The examples below will help you get into the mindset of a CEO and apply it to your own fitness.
On reaching 12 repsCEO: “I’ve got nothing left, but I’ll dig deep and find enough strength to blast out 1 more rep”CEC: “Thank god that is over”On hydrationCEO: “I carry a water bottle with me everywhere”CEC: “I just need to go to the water fountain to fill my water bottle” (for the 10th time)On travelCEO: “I am going away for two weeks. Can you create 3 workouts for me. One that I can do without equipment on a sailboat, one I can do in a tatami hut, and one I can do at a high elevation”CEC:“I am going away for two weeks. See ya”On painCEO: “Wow what a great burn, I really killed that muscle”CEC: -cries-On optimizing nutritionCEO: “Which high density green superfood do you recommend that I add to my smoothies so I can maximize my daily intake of life-giving nutrients?”CEC: “Which is less fattening: beer, wine or the hard stuff?”On educationCEO: “Aha, so because the tendon of the biceps inserts on the radial tuberosity, that explains why my overhand pull ups are so much more difficult than underhand”CEC: “I pay you to know the physiology, just tell me what machine to do next”On kidsCEO: “It is important for me to be fit and active to set a good example for my kids”CEC: “I am fat and out of shape because I have kids’On alcoholCEO: “I know very well that If I cut out my daily glass of wine with dinner, I’d lose those last 5 pounds, but I love my wine”CEC: “I drink a glass of wine everyday because I am so depressed about gaining 50 pounds”
I started pumping iron and drinking green smoothies in my teens. Now a 40+ mama with 25 years of experience working in the fitness industry, I do things differently. What I discovered during my personal healing journey made me pivot in my approach as a personal fitness and wellness coach. Now I teach people how to sweat, nourish and glow from an entirely new perspective.